SUMMER UNIVERSITY, august 1-10 2008
PAF SUMMER UNIVERSITY 2008 1/8/2008 – 10/8/2008 | PerformingArtsForum, St. Erme, France www.pa-f.net
The «Universities» at PAF are a project initiated in the year 2005 by a number of artists, theoreticians and practitioners during the initial meeting in PAF. The «Summer University» [SU] in August 2008 is the fourth «University» project organized in the building in St Erme.
The main interest of SU08 is to experiment with and to test the practices PAF is developing and will develop in future: areas of research, modes (methods, procedures, techniques) of production, frames of collaboration, types of projects, discursive engagement by all interested participants. In a few words: all activities that make up knowledge production in the arts, theory and cultural practice, open and specific.
«University» and participation «University» is the term that replaces «Academy» referring to the Renaissance principle of combining research and education in one location. Secondly, it is called «University» because PAF will be open to all areas of knowledge, even though art is the starting point. SU08 isn’t another international summer academy, offering workshops, lec- tures, panels etc. under a representative topic for which participants apply. The participants of SU08 are at the same time its organizers, in that they are proposing, organizing, and taking part in different projects and activities during SU08. In contrast to existing academies SU08 isn’t based on the principle of «pay to learn and teach to earn». Every participant pays the same fee (the equivalent of food, lodging and technical organization) to take part, no matter what competence or specific knowledge he/she can offer. The access to SU08 is open, but more specifically determined by each project/activity. (See the programme on the website) The aim behind the open access and self-organization is to enable parallel heterogeneous research platforms, to experiment with configurations, extensions, transformations, interferences, mergings and forkings of projects/activities. Preparation & Programme Everyone is invited to propose the project or activity he/she would like to organize within SU08. The only limit of choice is the capacity of the house. The proposals for the SU08 will be announced on the PAF-website: www.pa-f.net
How to become a participant? It’s as easy as sending an email with or without a proposal to Jan Ritsema: janritsema@mac.com
Report/«press conferences» A proposed format for sharing knowledge and information is the so called «press conference». Somewhat old-fashioned and too official for the informality of these meetings, «press conferences» can be used as a format for reports made by a group or individual to the others, either on regular basis or by special appointment. Do you need to make a proposal to take part in the SU08? No, you can take part without making a proposal. Expenses The participation fee is 11 EUR per person per night plus 15 EUR per day for food (three meals a day). Period 1–10 August 2008 is the core period of SU08, but it is possible to come earlier or stay longer or to join SU08 only some days within this main perdion.
Contact & Information Jan Ritsema / PAF | 15, rue Haute | F-02820 St Erme Outre et Ramecourt T/F +33323801846 | mobile: +33637031645 email: janritsema@mac.com | skype: janritsema | www.pa-f.net
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