PAF Winter Update Meeting 2019 | 27/12/2019 - 3/1/2020
Submitted by Valentina Desideri on Sat, 2019-12-21 18:47
Be welcome at PAF for the WUM 2019: an informal week of meeting, showing, discussing and updating each other about projects and practices, experiences, ideas and knowledge, and of sharing works and ideas of others you found most striking in 2019.
WUM 2019 will also be a space where discussions can coincide with ways of embodying and transmitting the spirit and needs of PAF, such as: passing on practical knowledge, performing activities, improve facillities in the building, trying out modes of attention and methods of caring for the space and each other, etc.
WUM this year coincides with two General Assemblies of the legal entities PAF is structured by
1. The General Assembly of the Association PAF to which all members who paid for their membership in the last 12 months are formally invited,
2. The yearly meeting of the shareholders/owners of SCI-The Building,
The meeting of the SCI-The Building will be held on December 28th ; the meeting of the Association PAF on the 29th and 30th.
About PAF GA.
Since we would need to have all actual members -about 1100- present or represented to make legal decisions and since this is logistically almost impossible, we imagine this first General Assembly more as a way to:
1. prepare the transition from Jan slowly retreating to a transparent self organization
2. have a moment to share with a larger group of users the various thoughts and feelings about how paf is running, as well as ideas and imaginations on how it could go on, what is missing or what is exciting, and how PAF can perpetually reinvent itself etc. We imagine the assembly more as a space of conversation, feedback and imagination to develop reasonings, rather than as a moment where we make collective decisions.
Items and subjects for the agenda (also from those who can not attend), can be sent to contactpaf and a final agenda will be sent to those who booked for the meeting (let us know when you also want to receive it despite not being physically present).
General Assembly of SCI-The Building.
We will send within some weeks the agenda of the meeting to the 50 owners of the building.
Accommodation is 18€ per night (if staying 5 or more nights - less is 20€) + 12€ membership mandatory due to legal and insurance reasons and valid for one year.
To keep the price for the food as low as possible the kitchen will be collectively organized. If you feel inspired to head a kitchen team and cook a specific meal for 100+ people, please let us know in your reservation so we can coordinate in advance.
The price for food and drinks will be 10€ for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Please tell us if you follow a special diet or if you have allergies.
You can stay longer or shorter than the official dates of the WUM, BUT we want to avoid reservations for the year transition only ; therefore a reservation from 30/1-2/1 only or even shorter is not possible.
WUM is often busy and full so please book ASAP and tell us who you would prefer to share your room with.
Reservations: contactpaf@gmail.com