Soft Skills 2017
Submitted by Valentina Desideri on Thu, 2017-05-11 22:06
As we discuss collective study around empowerment, activism, accessibility, education, and information dissemination, we must also critically examine interpersonal capacities like communication, cooperation, empathy and flexibility. How are these “soft skills” framed as feminized performance? For a week in June, we will come together to unpack Soft Skills in a theoretical capacity. We will focus on the internet and technology as a locus of power and solidarity, and a means to build independent sources of knowledge-based fulfillment in careers, in relationships, and in life.
Soft Skills will take place from June 23rd to July 1st, 2017. We will circulate and study topics that converge the abstract and the physical. Academic thinkers have volunteered from around the globe to create workshops, panels, and discussions that will cover strategies for starting your first business, accessibility language in technology, quantum feminism, black feminist thought, experiences and empowerment of women in the tech field, experiences and advice in changing careers, programming bootcamps, self-defence techniques, intersectional feminism in media, understanding and attaining work-life balance, the role of technology in academia, contemporary social justice movements, the role of technology in queer activism, and financial empowerment. As we explore these topics through the lens of critical engagement with feminized labor, the conference will also include open forums and space to discuss with your peers anything else you might want to share or experiment with.
As no fees will be paid to invited speakers, we are happy to announce that we can keep the price to the basic costs for stay, food and membership.
PAF costs 400€ and this covers your stay for the week along with a one year membership. The fee covers breakfast and lunch during the conference.
If you are invited to speak, please apply for a grant when possible, to help others in different financial conditions also participate.
If parents with children would like to attend the meeting we will try to make it possible by organizing some form of collective care. Please let us know ahead of time.
The meeting will take place in PAF - PERFORMING ARTS FORUM where everybody will be hosted.
To reserve your place or suggest a topic, please email: contactpaf@gmail.com