CIRCUS ‘ND SPIRALS Intensiv Lab by Anna Gaïotti
Submitted by Valentina Desideri on Wed, 2016-06-01 17:04
Performance is assuming speaking by the body on stage and under construction. The actor involves the present, with an acute awareness of the archives and signs that constitute him as a language.
The illustration of a desire on stage is nothing if the body does not live the dance in the hole of the impossible. Performance is not about claiming the body, but about admitting it, and confronting it with its raw vulnerability to words and objects.
With Circus ‘nd spirals, I initiate a collective laboratory where I share and develop immersive practices and choreographic scores, crossings through real and fictional landscapes, where bodies are invested as sensational witnessing architectures.
In studio and in the forest, I lead into a labor of introspection of intimate and collective thresholds of the imagination, where poetry operates, gliding between domesticity and the wild.
I particularly favor experiences in the dark, the shadow, the night and blindness, where being lost / being diluted, then building / weaving, participate in the same movement. To work with invisibility and nature as sensitive realities, extends and de-socializes an effort upon the body’s relation to the unknown, the other, the others, and fiction in becoming.
The group, as a space, enables gaze experimentation: sensorial contemplation, training in the observation of affects and signs that shape and build the active artistic relation. The individual score is supported by the (human and non-human) surroundings and borders. I work through the erotic and humoristic harmony of the “seen – being seen”.
A moment will be consecrated to the stakes and the stage challenges of body and gesture as present and presence, convoking question of irreversibility and progression of an act.
I approach this laboratory with several problematic notions, whether concrete or intangible, that I try to deal with in my artistic process: to abstract oneself / to be abstract, sexualities / the fabrication of a cannibalism, the reflection / the mirror, the weapon / the blade, the playground / the territory, landscape / utopia, being a crowd / being trampled, the archive / the calligraphic gesture.
The intensive nature of the workshop creates an opportunity to activate and tense up by the writing (and composition) questions relating fabrication of images with live art.
Circus ‘nd spirals is a 6 days lab, where daily life organization is being part of the continuous work of reflection and sharing. It will take place from July 3rd to 9th 2016 at the Performing art forum in the village of Saint-Erme (Picardie) in France, where participants will be hosted.
Circus ‘nd spirals is opened to live artists, visual artists and artisans, writers, thinkers and theoreticians, professionals and dance amateurs, who are physically able to participate.
Circus ‘nd spirals costs 187 euros for 6 days. This price includes 6 nights at 18 euros, plus 12 euros membership fee available for one year, and 3 collective meals per day (vegetarian cooking prepared together with vegetable coming from a local AMAP and natural vine).
Circus ‘nd spirals will start on July 3rd at 6pm and will end on the 9th after lunch.
Participation only for the whole period of the lab.
Participation is limited.
Reservation, inscription, please write to PAF: contactpaf@gmail.com
Requests, write to Anna: aagaiotti@gmail.com