SUMMER UNIVERSITY 2016 *** 8 August - 5 September 2016 *** more than 4 in 1: philosophy, dance, it’s a rainy day, music
Submitted by Valentina Desideri on Mon, 2016-05-30 12:16
For the third summer PAF invites to a month long university curated by four independent teams, each designing a week of activities, work, discussions, expressions and conviviality. The motivation this year is to engage in four artistic dynamics in ways that only PAF can provide. Michel Foucault’s motto “what can be done here and now and only here and now” function as a starting point for what these weeks can enable and produce.
PAF Summer University is an old school university, a context and a learning to which all participants contribute, something that means to sacrifice, insist and bring forth. PAF Summer University is not a festival, consumption, party or drift. It’s work and we don’t stop, yet we don’t really know what we are working on.
The third edition has expanded out of the frames where we began and are now issuing their own formulations not only in respect of content but also concerning social and practical issues. During Summer University regular fees are issued in parallels for visitors that desire autonomy.
PAF Summer University is for you who want to engage with all your resources in your special field of interest, but it is also for you who are curious about PAF and want a taste of what it is. The house will be boiling of practices and peo- ple but there will also be room for you who desire to create your own rhythm or concentrate on your own research.
This recent bout of organizing has, in part, been oriented by a shared commitment to the possibility of philosophical collaboration. But the procedures by which to augment this are unclear. One thing seems obvious: collective philosophizing requires an extended duration, an open space, careful attention and a certain amount of good luck. In this respect, the summer university format is a fantastic opportunity to widen the aperture and see what leaks in. Against historical concepts of ‘group discussion’ as a dilution of thought or a regress to clashes of ‘isolated opinion’, we would like to continue experimenting with philosophy as a sustained exercise in dialogue.
After so much input of speakers, discussion, reading and talking during the inaugural run of ‘The Stubbornness of the Empirical’, it’s time to open the format and ask those who have been coming here—along with anyone who hasn’t yet—to bring their own thoughts to the table.
The formulation of thought in the act of communication holds a unique, albeit slippery appeal. To learn and to develop by talking, listening, talking, listening, talking some more. Philosophy has been many things these past years at PAF, but one of the most striking aspects has been the way in which larger scales of generative group discussions have developed. We would like to seize on this and call on participants to propose a presentation or investigation of their own work and thought, in whatever format is best to allow it to move unfettered.
Taking as our point of departure ongoing conversations around the empirical, formalism, the transcendental, ethics, sensation, translation, space, time, natural history, & so many other topics, we already have an exciting set of proposals filtering in. The event will combine these with a healthy amount of blank space on the program to solicit spontaneous contributions throughout the week.
Expect discussions of genericity & degeneracy, histories of dialectical logic, Alain’s Politique, theophanic manifesta- tion, the secret friendship between those old concept breachers empiricism and idealism, the not-so-passive micro- phone, personal ontologies, formalisation of time-travel, morning classes in mathématiques pour les philosophes, and whatever else comes up between now and the moment.
Food will be handled through a combination of collective organisation and nominated helpers. The format will de- pend on the number of attendees, but we expect it to be between €10-15 per person per day on top of the stay per night 18/20€ per night, depending of staying more or less than 5 nights.
Organized by: Lendl Barcelos, Katrina Burch Joosten, Matt Hare, Amy Ireland, Ben Woodard
16 – 22 August - INDIGO dance festival #3 - Spending time with DANCE
“When I think of dance, I always think of the back of her head. I picture cracking her lovely skull, unspooling her brain, trying to get answers. The primal questions of _______: What are you thinking? How are you feeling? What have we done to each other? What will we do?” - Gillian Flynn "Gone Girl"
i-D#3 Ventures deep into the multiplicities of spending time with DANCE and its ontologies. Drawn to its dark corners, not to clean up, but to commit without promise. We want to share, invent, learn and deskill things one can do with dance: practicing, reading, conversing, watching, touching, thinking, digesting, contemplating, reflecting, celebrating and on and on. Not because we think these are the things dance are here for, we have no idea, we don’t want to know, but because these are ways that we can spend time with dance. i-D #3 will be going on holiday with a lover, and the lover is dance. It might be sexy, heartbreaking, enlightening, boring, terrifying, it might be a lot of things, but one thing is sure, you will never become one with your lover. Your lover always has a life that you can not see.
i-D #3 calls for: Birds - Ungrounding - Specificity - Focus - In-betweeness - Space - Time - Less is more - Absorbing in front of Consumption - Unlayering - Multiple strategies - Complex organisations - Enabling relations in tension - Engaging through various practices - Dance before the artist - Multiple hierarchies - Undoing - Liquid spaces
Food & premiere drinks: 17 €/day, next to accommodation at PAF, 18/20€ 6 days: 210 € + 12 € membership (all included)
Organized by, Linda Blomqvist, Emma Daniel, Anna Gaiotti, Adriano Wilfert Jensen
23-29 August – It’s A Rainy Day
It’s raining and we might as well. No need to hunt or to open a window, nor to seize the day. Kairos is put on hold and, we simply take our time to swim upstream into shallow. Whatever and n’importe-qua.
It’s a Rainy Day is not a holiday, nor a self-care ritual or an excuse to be lazy per se, it could be an exploration of weak spaces and the potential productivity of beating about the bush or sitting on a fence. It’s A Rainy Day aims to be gentle on the feet, but nevertheless includes a prominent itinerary and rather than a break, cultivates a continuity.
Over the last years resonating of certain critical and philosophical excursions new or alternative approaches to time has emerged in the arts and related fields. Established forms of attention have been questioned and known formats have been rearranged. Contemplation instead of Zizek, minimally interesting in front of ADD-art, framed indifference rather than revolutionary slogans. It’s A Rainy Day aims at through a series of interventions open up for reflection, observation, continuation of what new roles time plays in contemporary aesthetic practices. But then again it’s per- haps just a film festival. Maybe that’s better.
Standard PAF accommodation, 18/20€ per night, depending of staying more or less than 5 nights, plus 12€ member- ship and food will be organized to a decent price.
30 August – 5 September PAF Music Week 2016 : TALKING MUSIC #2
PAF Music Week 2016 will again focus on making and talking music. In the morning we give space to lectures, work presentations and conversation sessions. Afternoons, evenings and nights are open to multiple re-compositions: practice your instrument, initiate projects, rehearse with your band, work in new constellations, share your knowl- edge, listen to music together, perform gigs or anything that thrills you.
The British philosopher, sound specialist and co-director of arts journal ‘Glass Bead’ Inigo Wilkins will for the first 3 days give a focus on decomposing music.
Next to the exciting spaces at PAF a few more “prepared spaces” such as a pitch black space, a room set up with 50 headphones will expand possibilities of experimenting with music, perception and live situations.
TALKING MUSIC #2 ends with a weekend festival transforming PAF into a mixture of performances exploring the rainbow of vibes that the house and the participants may offer, including the legendary night of sleeping music in the chapel.
The complete week including accommodation and food = 202€ including 6 nights in PAF, 3 meals/day prepared with love by a team of cooks and PAF membership valid for one year.
If you don’t stay the whole time, 20€ / night, 15€ / day including breakfast, lunch and diner, 12€ membership
Further information: Perrine en morceaux [perrinebailleux@gmail.com], Michael Schmid [gunschmitt@me.com], Raphael Vanoli [raphaelvanoli@unseen.is].
All reservations at: contactpaf@gmail.com